Monday 28th October to Sunday 3rd November 2024
If you don't mind getting up early in the morning, there will be some excellent opportunities to observe the International Space Station.....so long as the clouds stay away!
On Monday 28th October, the ISS will appear in the west at 5.54am and spend six minutes passing almost directly overhead, before disappearing towards the east. It will do the same on the Tuesday morning, but this time appearing at 5.08am.
If you miss those passes, there will be another one at 5.54am on Wednesday 30th. This time, the ISS won't be at quite such a high angle, but still clearly visible as it travel silently across the sky.
Moving further afield, the early hours of Sunday morning 3rd November provide a chance to observe the shadow of the Galilean moon Ganymede as it passes in front of Jupiter. You should be able to see it from about 2.30am, at which time Jupiter will be located towards the south, at a nice high altitude, sitting above the constellation of Orion. The event will be all over by 4.50am.
Advance notice that the first of my astronomy talks this season at the Ham Hill Visitor Centre is taking place on Friday 8th November, starting at 7pm. If it is clear, there will be an observing session afterwards, taking advantage of the dark skies there.
Booking is essential as places normally fill very quickly. Contact Ham Hill on 07973 887129 to reserve a space. The event costs £6 per person.
Screenshots courtesy of Stellarium
Copyright Adrian Dening and Radio Ninesprings 2024