New E10 petrol launches on garage forecourts from today (01-09) with a warning that some cars may not be compatible with the new upgrade.
The new fuel contains up to 10% bioethanol, replacing E5 that has up to 5% -
The difference between E10 and E5 is that E5 contains just 5% of renewable ethanol, whereas the new edition contains 10%, reducing the amount of vehicle emissions produced.
E10 petrol is already widely used around the world, including across Europe, the US and Australia.
All cars made after 2011 should be fine to fill up with E10, as well as the majority of vehicles made since the late 1990s.
You can enter your registration into the government's E10 service page to find out if your vehicle is compatible.
If your car is not compatible, you’ll have to look out for 'super grade E5 unleaded' instead.
From today also, September’s number plate changes will see the new ‘71’ design launch on brand new vehicles.
The new plates will include for the first time, the supplier’s business address and postcode.